You may think business cards have gone out of fashion, but they’re still an efficient method of advertisement. A business card is an essential snapshot of your business; a poorly designed card can turn away potential clients. Make a good first impression by including these business card must-haves.
1. Your Name
This is a no-brainer. Including your name is important if you’re working in a clientele-centric or commission based industry. Be sure to include your job title as well. Depending on your job, you might want to put a picture as well. A professional picture is a staple on a realtor’s business card. However, it’s not quite necessary for your landscaping business.
2. Contact Information
You’ve handed out your business card. How are people supposed to reach you? Email address, business phone number, and a website URL are essential. Listing your cell phone has become commonplace, especially for those who work irregular hours.
3. Social Network Pages
Nowadays, folks will want to find you on social media as well. Don’t expect customers to correctly assume what your Twitter handle is. You are strapped for space, so don’t feel compelled to type out the entire URL. Let them know what to add after the backslash. For example, just list “@YourName” beside the Twitter logo.
4. Legible Font
A funky font may make you shine in a sea of business cards, but you don’t want to be too
wild. Using fancy script text does the exact opposite of the intended purpose. Stick to something clean and please, stay away from Comic Sans.
5. Logo
If your logo incorporates the business’s name into the design, you can save valuable space by omitting it and using just the logo to catch attention. People are visual. Scale down your logo and add it to your business card, keeping a sense of unity among other promotional materials that aren’t limited by size.
6. Blank Space
The last thing your clients want to see is a cluster of text and graphics compressed on a 3.5 x 2 canvas. Leave out unimportant frills, or print them on the backside of your card. Aside from aesthetic appeal, leaving white space on your business card is practical as well, as it provides a place for notes.
7. Tempered Creativity
Your business card can be a reflection of your workplace. Creativity is memorable, but like all things, must be used in moderation. A glossy card with ten different colors is going to be seen as unprofessional. Aim for subtlety. An embossed icon adds a classy touch and texture to your business card without being overwhelming.